So the difference between this week and last week is incredible. I just moved into a new hostel, I don't know anyone here, but I feel fine. I feel happy! And I think it's for the following reasons: I've gotten more experience with the city. The job got a lot easier when we decided that I don't actually need to leave the hostel to check the internet. I made a lot of friends at the Chinese Box, and we're still going to hang out.
Probably most importantly, I leave in a week. Now's a good a time as any to announce that my stay in China now ends on the 22nd, not the 29th. I'll be flying from Beijing to London, for a week's relaxation in England's Green and Pleasant Land, and I honestly can't wait. It's for the best, and the thought of seeing my family in a week's time is really helping my mood.
So yes. This week has been a hell of a lot better than last week. And I've done some kickass stuff in the past few days! Which leads me to my next point.
I told myself that, weather permitting, I'd go to the Summer Palace today. Well, blogketeers, let me just say this: weather permitted.
I know, right? Beijing without the smog hardly seems like Beijing at all! But there it is. And let me say, the Summer Palace was beautiful. Full of serene wooded parks...
... and amazing imperial architecture!
I took a boatride across the lake, and generally just wandered about enjoying the sun and scenery.
The one complaint I have about the Summer Palace is the scourge - that's right, scourge - of identical food and trinket stalls they have, every ten metres. It's pretty ridiculous, and kind of detracts from the natural beauty of the surroundings? Ah well. It could be so much worse.
When I got back to the hostel, I realised - by which I mean, the staff told me - that I had only booked up to today, and that I had to move and make way for more people. Yeah, I had it in my mind that I was moving tomorrow. A little packing and a cab ride later, and here I am at the Lama Temple International Youth Hostel, my newest - and final - digs!
Tomorrow? Who knows? Right now I'm gonna settle down in my new bed and watch Iron Man.
Aw yeah. Y'all heard.
1 comment:
Good to know your mood's picked up so much!
Those are absolutely beautiful photos, mister. You've convinced me to go to China some day. 'Grats.
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